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Our High Priestess


High Priestess Jasmine Reid has been on the pagan path since the age of 14. She is ordained by the Universal Life Church and has an extensive knowledge of the earth based path.


A mother of one, she can connect with children on their level. She is also an oracle and light worker. She is the founder of Thirteen Moons, and the driving force behind the basic principle of we will not change who you are.

Our Priestess


April Draughon/StarStorm has been a practicitor of paganism since the age of 14 years old or for the last 14 years. She has many speacilites including but not limited to Tarot, oracle, aura reading, empathy, energy manipulation, etc.

She works along side our HP to ensure the education, advancement and family atmosphere of those in Thirteen Moons Society. She is also  ordained by the Universal Life Church.

Our Coven

With 33 Members on Facebook, Thirteen Moons Society is a Coven mostly for pagans in Durham, Rougemount, Roxboro, Chapel Hill or Raleigh NC or who know pagans in the area, but any who wish seek may join. If you wish to have a place to study and grow and be part of a family, Thirteen Moons is the place, espcially if you are a solitary who wishes to keep your beliefs and not be forced to convert to anothers way of thinking.


Our Coven is broken into two main sections... Education and Ritual.  Our Educational portion our coven is for those who purely with to learn, attend the YAD or Moon School, or simply wish to only furter their education in the Craft. Our Ritual portion is for those who look for a place and family to preform rituals with, attend Esbats and Sabbats for the ritual. Everyone is welcome to join both sections, or just one. On your application please indicate which you wish to be apart of. 

Mission Statement


The purpose of the Thirteen Moons Society Coven is to honor the gods and goddesses of paths, and give solitaries a family like home while allowing them to follow their individual paths and keep their personal deities; as well as to celebrate the seasons in accordance with the Pagan Wheel of the Year.

The mission of the Thirteen Moons Society Coven is to help educate those who wish to learn about Paganism, and either advance on their path or understand the path of the pagans in their lives.

Principles and Bylaws


Thirteen Moons Society Coven has a Zero Tolerance policy regarding any use of recreational drugs or the excessive use of alcohol. Members who attend rituals or ceremonies under the influence of illegal drugs will be asked to leave the event, and may find themselves asked to leave the Coven altogether.

There shall be a strict rule of privacy within Thirteen Moons Society Coven. No member may ever reveal Coven business to anyone outside the group. This includes the names of other Coven members, ritual activities, and meeting information.

Members will never be required to pay a fee for membership in Thirteen Moons Society Coven. A "love offering" is always welcome, but never demanded.

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