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The Witches' Rune


Darksome night and shining Moon,

harken to the Witches' rune

East and South, West and North,

hear me now I call thee forth!

By all the powers of land and sea,

Be obedient unto me.

Wand and pentacle, cup and sword,

hearken ye unto my word.

Cord and censer, totem and knife,

waken all ye unto life.

Powers of the Witches' Blade,

come ye now as the charge is made!

Queen of Heaven , Queen of Hel,

send your aid unto my spell.

Horned Hunter of the night,

work my will by magick rite.

By all the powers of land and sea,

as I do say, 'so mote it be!

By all the might of Moon and Sun,

as I will, it shall be done!

The Witch’s Code of Chivalry


- Chivalry is a high code of honor which is of most ancient Pagan origin, and must be lived by all who follow the Old ways.

- It must be understood that thoughts and intent put forth on this plane will wax strong in other planes, and return... bringing into creation, on this world, that which had been sent forth. Thus, you should exercise discipline, for "as ye do plant, so shall ye harvest".

- It is only by preparing our minds to be as Gods that we can ultimately attain godhead.

- Above all else, you must be true to yourself.

- A witches’ word must have the validity of a signed and witnessed oath. Thus, give thy word sparingly, but adhere to it like iron.

- Refrain from speaking ill of others, for not all truths of the matter may be known.

- Pass not unverified words about another, for hearsay is, in large part, a thing of falsehoods.

- Be honest with others, and let them know that honesty is also expected of them.

- The heat of the moment plays havoc with the truth. To keep your head is a virtue.

- Contemplate always the consequences of your actions upon others. Strive not to harm.

- Different covens may well have diverse views on love between members and with others. When a coven, clan, or grove is visited or joined, you should always find out their practices and abide by them, or leave.

- Dignity, a gracious manner, and a good humor are much to be admired.

- As a witch, you have power, and your powers wax strongly as wisdom increases. Therefore, exercise discretion in their use.

- Courage and honor endure forever. Their echoes remain when the mountains have crumbled to dust.

- Pledge friendship and fealty to those who warrant it. Strengthen others of this path and they will strengthen you.

- You must not reveal the secrets of another witch or another coven. Others have labored long and hard for them, and cherish them as a treasure.

- Though there may be differences between those of the Old Ways, those who are once-born must see nothing and must hear nothing.

- Those who follow the mysteries should be above reproach in the eyes of the world.

- The laws of the land should be obeyed whenever possible and within reason, for the most part they have been chosen with wisdom.

- Have pride in yourself and seek perfection in mind and body. For the Lady asks "How cast thou honor another unless thou give honor to thyself first?"

- Those who seek the mysteries should consider themselves as select of the Gods, for it is they who lead the race of humankind to the highest of thrones and beyond the stars.


This information was taken from ‘Magical Rites from the Crystal Well’ by Ed Fitch.

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