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Tenets of the Coven

1. We are all solitary practioners. There for we do not have a set god or godess for the coven. Instead we worship under the God and the Goddess when together and hold reverance of our individual dieties.

2. Noone will force you to change who you are or what you believe, instead we strive to help you enhance and further yourself on your indivdivual path to spirtual enlightenment, and strengthen your connection to the divine.

3. The indivdual has the right to speak if something makes them uncomfortable without fear of other opinions. We function of perfect love trust and understanding.


Rules for the Coven


1. No Skyclad- Please keep your clothes on!

2. No Alcohol or NO DRUGS both in circle wil result in  automatic excommunitcation

3. Endangerment of any in the coven will result in automatic excommunication.

-Abuse of any kind:





4. Everyones belief is thier own NO PUSHING YOURS ON OTHERS




Tenets and Rules of the Coven

Leaving the coven

If you at some point you may find yourself deciding that Thirteen Moons Society not the right group for you. Please in writing send the following to the High Priestess of the coven.


You find that the time commitment required is not something that fits in with your schedule.

You have noticed you’re just not connecting to the gods of the tradition.

You’ve decided that a Pagan path isn’t the right one for you after all.

 You just don’t really get along with the people in the group, or those who lead it.

You have decided that the group is not meeting your spiritual needs.

Or whatever your reason is.

Please remember:

 Don’t just stop showing up. This leaves unfinished business, and even if you’re leaving on negative terms, someone’s going to worry about you and whether you’re okay.

 Let High Priestess know – preferably in writing – that you’ll be separating from the group, and the date that your departure will be effective.


Let the group leaders know why you’re leaving. If there’s a conflict between you and another group member, the leaders should be made aware that there’s a problem. Likewise, if you’re leaving for reasons that are of your own making – time constraints, etc. – they should be aware of that too. It lets the leaders know that you’re not leaving because of something they’ve done, or failed to do.


Please maintain an oath of secrecy even after you’ve left.  It’s simply common courtesy not to go around blabbing about the people in the coven. Just like when you leave a job, future employers don’t want to hear you talking trash about your last boss. Furthermore, if you ever decide to someday return, you don’t want to burn your bridges.


Even if it's simply a matter of saying goodbye, having it in writing makes things simpler for everyone involved.


We ask departing members to participate in one last ritual, so the group can formally cut magical ties with the individual. If you’re leaving on good terms, this is a great way to gain some closure and still maintain a friendly feeling among you and the other members. If you contributed a measure bag or other magical link to the group at your initiation, this ritual would be the time to get such things returned to you. The separation ritual is simple and preformed the new moon after you estimated departure date.

Finally, try whenever possible to leave in a friendly way. Despite misgivings you may have about the group, or conflicts which may have pushed you out, sometimes all we can do is take the higher road as we walk away to the next part of our journey.

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