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2014-2015 Coven Calender of Events


2014-2015 Thirteen Moons Upcoming Events

Remainder 2014

Oct. 11th Coven Meeting/YAD Samhain Workshop/Advancement and welcome Ceremony

Nov. 1st YAD Coven Anniversary

Nov. 8th Coven Meeting (Priesthood only)

Dec. 13th Coven Meeting

Dec. 19th or 27th YAD Yule Ritual


Jan 10th Coven Meeting

Feb 7th YAD Imbolc

Feb 14th Bunny Birthday Party/Ritual

Feb 21st Coven Meeting

March 14th Coven meeting

March 21st YAD Ostara/ Egg hunt

April 11th Coven Meeting

May 2nd Beltane/YAD

May 9th Coven Meeting

June 13th Coven Meeting

June 20th YAD Midsummer

July 4th Independent Day BBQ

July 11th Coven Meeting

Aug. 1th YAD/ Lughnash

Aug. 8th Coven Meeting

Sept. 12th Coven Meeting

Sept.  19th and 20th PPD no year and Day

Oct. 10th Coven meeting

Oct. 24th YAD Samhain

Nov. 7th Witches Ball

Nov. 14th Coven Meeting

Dec. 12th Coven Meeting

Dec. 19th YAD Yule


2nd and 4th Thursdays –Book Club online

2nd- Saturday Coven Meetings

4th Saturday Crafty Coven

1st and 3rd Saturday Moon Scouts


Year and a day are held on the closest to the 8 Sabbats.

Ex. Ostara on a Wednesday Year and a Day the following Saturday.

Full Moon rituals are up for debate.


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